Running builds community and the best way to bring runners together is through run clubs in our region. This list is sorted by day of the week and time of day with a link to the location of the run and links to the group's contact information. If you have any questions about a specific run club, please contact that group directly. If you would like to add your group run or need to make any changes to your run listed below, please contact us by clicking here.
New! Interactive Map of Run ClubsSee below for the list you all know and love, or zoom in on the map to locate the run closest to you. Map can be filtered by day if you open the panel via the icon to the left of title in the black title bar, or by opening the external link by clicking here. All information on the map is pulled from the list below, which is maintained by the current Board of Directors of the Charlotte Running Club, and using most recent Google Map data. |