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  • CRC LSC Greenway Monthly Group Run

CRC LSC Greenway Monthly Group Run

  • January 07, 2023
  • 7:30 AM
  • 2524 Tyvola Road

CRC LSC Greenway Monthly Group Run

The next CRC Little Sugar Creek Greenway Monthly Group Run will be Saturday January 7th at 7:30am.

For anyone who hasn't joined us before, this greenway section runs south from Tyvola Road to the Polk Historic Site in Pineville NC. Running it will give you 13.1 miles but come join us if you need less miles because you can turnaround at any point.

ALL PACES & walkers are welcome. Water will be available at two points along the greenway and at the start / finish.

Also, this run is open to EVERYONE. You do not need to be a member of the Charlotte Running Club to join in.

We'll meet at the parking lot off Tyvola Rd and leave just after 7:30am. Please arrive early to ensure you can find a spot in the parking lot. There’s additional parking across Tyvola at the Queens University Sports Complex.

Address: 2524 Tyvola Rd

Questions? - run.charlotte@gmail.com

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Email us: run.charlotte@gmail.com

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The Charlotte Running Club consists of passionate runners that strive to spread the love of running and to help each other grow. The Club's goal is to bring the expansive, diverse, and exciting Charlotte running community together under one umbrella through motivation, group runs, and social events. 

"Charlotte Running Club" is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization. Charlotte, P.O. Box 34763, Charlotte, NC 28234

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